Aj Enterprises its business in the process of composting organic waste. (i.e. food waste, manure, leaves, grass trimmings, paper, wood, feathers, crop residue etc.,) waste turns it into a valuable organic fertilizer. Composting is a natural biological process, carried out under controlled aerobic conditions (requires oxygen). In this process, various microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, break down organic matter into simpler substances. The effectiveness of the composting process is dependent upon the environmental conditions present within the composting system i.e. oxygen, temperature, moisture, material disturbance, organic matter and the size and activity of microbial populations. BIOCHEST Organic waste Composting machine is a mobile in-vessel organic waste management solution that initiates the composting process and effectively manages odor from putrescible waste. The BIOCHEST Organic waste Composting machine Waste Management System is a unique and innovative design which will safely remove hazardous and odorous elements from organic waste material, whilst recycling the waste into a safe, environmentally friendly and rich organic compost/fertilizer.
The compost/fertilizer produced by the BIOCHEST Organic waste Composting machine can be used by the community and industry in a variety of agricultural applications. BIOCHEST Organic waste Composting machine is the most efficient and effective method for managing organic waste. The BIOCHEST (Organic Waste Composting reactor) converts your Biodegradable waste into compost (Fertilizer) automatically. BIOCHEST was developed after extensive research and development work conducted our premises in Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. BIOCHEST Uses forced Aeration and Mechanical agitation to control conditions and promote rapid composting. The BIOCHEST is a combination of a device and process, Targeting the quickest transformation of biological waste into consistent – Quality compost at the lowest possible cost and management effort. With the BIOCHEST you are ahead of the rest ready to meet any stringent environmental standards that way restrict operations from using traditional disposal methods. With BIOCHEST you will be able to transform your biological and organic wastes into a value added product to your operation and in turn recover some or all of its capital investment.