Effluent Treatment Plant


The water discharged after the usage in industrial process is called effluent. Depending upon the process requirement, the characteristics of effluent will be vary.

AJ ENTERPRISES Effluent treatment plants (ETP) are available to treat effluents generated from various types of industries. We produce treated water within prescribed standards that can be disposed either in the land for irrigation or for suitable reuse.

Our methodology - We analyze the effluent samples for different effluent parameters as per nature and compositions, carry out the treatability studies by using different methods checking techno-commercial Feasibility and then design treatmentschemes, processes accordingly to suit the purpose and need.

Our ETP systems are very compact, tailor made designs, portable required very less foot-print to accommodate, energy efficient. The up-gradation, modification in the existing ETP system is possible to achieve desired limiting standard laid down by the Pollution Control Board (PCB).

The principle of operation of ETP is Physico-Chemical treatment, biological treatment followed by Polishing Treatments like –Sand Filtration, Activated Charcoal treatment (Adsorption), Ozonation (Chemical Oxidation), Ultra Filtration (UF), Reverse Osmosis(RO) and evaporation (If required).

  • Custom designed treatment plants
  • Simulation studies conducted for design guidance
  • Design drawn from wide data base of biological treatmentstudies
  • Preference for Biologicalsystem & Eliminating chemical treatment.
  • Emphasis on reduction in sludge generation and better sludge handling Systems
  • Petrochemical Industries, Automotive Industries,
  • Pharmaceutical Industries,
  • Textile dyeing & Textile processing Industries,
  • Dye Manufacturing Industries, Food & Beverage,
  • Sugar Industries, Distilleries & Breweries Industries,
  • Oil& Solvent extraction Industries, Pulp & Paper Industries,
  • Tanneries and Other processes
food recycle